It Takes a Village to Plan Our Giant Steps Gala

Like any other large event, it takes months to plan an event like a Gala. Some of the more significant tasks to do are:

  • Lock in a venue or site where the Gala will be held
  • Decide if and what the theme will be and how it will be displayed and expressed through the Gala
  • Book a DJ or live band for entertainment
  • Choose an auctioneer and possibly an MC for the live auction and raffles
  • Choose who or what is to be honored and form that support team of co-chairs and the host committee members that help with various parts of prepping for the Gala

These are just a few of the big tasks that need to be planned for a successful Giant Steps Gala. 

Then, there are the Public Relations tasks, such as: Save the Dates, the e-blasts, social media, print invitations, the program, and any other marketing materials for the Gala as well as getting sponsors. OH, and did I mention, sponsors? And going out to get silent auction items, contacting current donors and contributors as well as reaching out to new businesses and organizations for their support… The list continues to grow… SO much to do for one event, and SO many “fine-printed” details to complete to ensure a successful Gala.  

“Giant Steps is so lucky to have a Development Team that cares so much and is ready to do whatever it takes to make our Gala a success. Their devotion to Giant Steps is fantastic!”

Dr. Sylvia Smith, Executive Director

Thank you again to our students and participants, to our staff, to our volunteers, to our parents, to our legislatures, to our supporters, to our community partners, to our sponsors, to our donors and our contributors… THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH because without anyone of you, we would not be Giant Steps. We are Giant Steps!