Christine’s Dream Equine Center Resumes Modifed Programming

Giant Steps Therapeutic Day School and Canopy Adult Program have been conducted remotely since March 16th, 2020 due to the current CoronaVirus health Pandemic.  Giant Steps staff members have come up with creative ways to engage with our families and interact with students and participants.  Last week the blog focused on Extended School Year (ESY), which is specific to our Therapeutic Day School students.  Canopy Adult Day Program Participants are used to attending their day program year round, with a long week in June and July and a short break in early August.  Our staff miss the participants and daily interactions with Canopy Families.  

Canopy participants were offered two options this past week, and will continue to access those opportunities through the remainder of July.  Participants, families, and staff returned to the stables at Christine’s Dream Equestrian Center for individual riding lessons and “Hanging with the Horses”.  

Although lessons at Christine’s Dream look a bit different than it has in the past, our modified programming has given parents and family members an unique opportunity to watch their participant in action at the stables, and even join in on some of the fun with the horses!

One family shared a video of their participant during a recent riding lesson and said “After 100 plus days of Covid-19 restrictions,  an email came that Canopy Day Program participants (Giant Steps) would be able to schedule horse riding lessons. What a happy day that was! A glimmer of excitement to see others. Having this form of services back through Christine’s Dream helps Taylor have a sense of normalcy. The interaction of staff, volunteers and horses has already made for a happier…world! It’s one step closer to being back where we all belong. “  Alice Roth Dean

If you have any questions about Christine’s Dream Equine Center or would like to learn more about equine therapy please contact Sara Ratiu, PATH Intl. Certified Instructor, ESMHL at