Introducing”Remote Learning At Giant Steps Day School”

Remote Learning Day 60 (school days):

While it might not be the ideal situation, the professional staff at Giant Steps have continued to work hard to make remote learning feasible and fun for everyone! Giant Steps Therapeutic Day School staff have been adapting and modifying lesson plans and activities to fit the remote learning environment since March.  Today, we are introducing a new blog series called “Remote Learning at Giant Steps Day School”! Over the coming weeks, the posts will be a collaboration with Day School teachers and therapy team members to share some of the resources that have been created and highlight what we have learned from this remote learning experience.  

Individual posts will cover information from our teaching department, PE department, STEAM department, Occupational therapists, Speech and Language Pathologists, Music therapists, Social Workers, and Board Certified Behavior Analysts.  You’ll be able to see their favorite shared resources, lessons they have loved creating, and even how they have learned to work from home during a pandemic! Check back here for upcoming posts from our amazing professional staff (as well as regular posts about the happenings at GS)!

In other exciting news, Giant Steps is hosting our upcoming Housing Solutions Presentation that will start on Monday, July 13th!  If you would like to learn information or have questions about housing options, please attend one or all of the free presentations open to the community! RSVP here and put a reminder on your calendar!

Can’t wait to ‘see’ you then!